
Hi, my name is May!

I am orig­i­nal­ly from Myan­mar (Bur­ma) and have been liv­ing in Man­ches­ter for 9 years now with my hus­band, my son, my cock­er spaniel Hina and Nigel the cat. 

I could­n’t cook until I was 25, but once I start­ed I’ve nev­er stopped since. My love affair with chilli and spicy food start­ed when I was just 5 years old. I would beg my mum for a local fer­ment­ed fish sauce dip with lots and lots of fresh chilli. My mum said I used to drink the sauce!

My inspi­ra­tional chilli oil was from a restau­rant I used to vis­it all the time as a stu­dent in Lon­don, called Wong Kei. I think I went there most­ly for their chilli oil! I started running a small artisan chilli business making small-batch chilli jars in the beginning of the first lockdown.

My favourite thing to do in the world is to feed peo­ple. I absolute­ly love host­ing din­ner par­ties, which is why I would even­tu­al­ly love to start my own sup­per club, with my chilli oil at the cen­tre of the menu! As well as cook­ing, I love box­ing, yoga, run­ning and drink­ing wine!
